What is the difference between using medicinal cannabis products and CBD?

There is a big difference between medicinal cannabis products and CBD products because of the
amount of THC levels it contains. THC, also known as Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive
compound of cannabis that produces a “high” for the consumer. Medicinal cannabis products contain
high levels of THC which is why users feel a “high” when consuming. CBD, on the other hand, is
made from Hemp. Hemp comes from the same plant as Cannabis, although it contains minuscule
amounts or NO THC, therefore, will not provide the consumer with any kind of psychoactive effect.
CBD may be very relieving but does not give a “high” and is safe to use with children, animals, and
elderly people.


Does CBD have a negative interaction with other medications?

Here at Experience CBD we pride ourselves in producing top quality CBD products that have been
third party lab tested for purity and potency, but we always recommend consulting with your doctor
before you start taking any new product.


How much CBD should users take per dose?


CBD can be effective at a wide range of doses. The average dose for an adult can range between
30-50mg but this can very substantially. Users should begin with a small dose and slowly increase
the dosage as they feel necessary. A few small doses over the course of the day is preferred over
one big dose. Our suggestion is to take a dose every 4 hours if using the oils or as directed on all of
our other products. Getting to the optimal dose of CBD will require users some trial and error.


Is CBD safe for pets?


Yes, as it is for humans, pets may consume CBD for anxiety relief, pain relief, and other disorders.
Experience CBD also offers a line treats and tinctures for cats and dogs under the name “CBDrool”.



Will I fail a drug test if using CBD?

The answer depends on the product that you are using. Some of our products are completely THC
FREE and therefore users would not fail a drug test. However, there are “FULL SPECTRUM”
products on our website that do contain minuscule amounts of THC (<0.3%), this small amount of
THC cannot get users high but may make them fail a drug test if tested for THC because of trace
amounts found in the product. All of our full spectrum products are noted with a disclaimer of this.


How can I use CBD?

CBD can be used in a variety of ways. The most common being orally ingested, topically, and
inhaled. Depending on what you goal is will determine which product is best for you.


Can CBD products be purchased anywhere in the United States?

Experience CBD offers a wide range of hemp products that are completely THC FREE, most items
can be purchased anywhere in the United States. Some states may have laws regarding “Full
Spectrum” products which contain less than 0.3% THC, in this case buyers will have to check their
state laws regarding CBD.


Can CBD be used by children? Is it safe for Kids?

CBD products have been proven effective and safe in kids. The full line of Experience CBD products may be used by children under supervision and consent of their parents and after getting medical advice from a care professional.


How long does it take CBD to work?

Generally, CBD taken orally will take effect within 20-40 minutes. Vaping or smoking CBD will take
effect much faster, almost immediately, as it does not have to go through the liver. CBD used
topically will fall somewhere right in the middle with relief being noticed normally within 5-10 minutes


Does CBD have any side effects and what happens if you take too much?

CBD is generally well tolerated and safe. It has very few negative side effects. However, it may
cause adverse reactions in some people including:Nausea, Vomiting, Drowsiness, Dizziness,
Changes in Appetite, and Diarrhea.It is possible to take “too much” CBD which will generally result in
drowsiness and lethargy. CBD does not negatively interact with breathing or heart rate.