There are a ton of different CBD products available on the market. There are CBD gummies, CBD beverages, CBD oils, CBD vape products, CBD creams, and many more.
If you've been following the CBD and Hemp industry lately, you've likely been seeing a lot of buzz about Delta-8 THC. There is a lot of information about these products circulating at the moment, which can make it difficult to navigate when trying to learn about/purchase them. Here's what we've summarized and what you need to know about Delta-8 THC before you buy.
While we know that CBD is safe to take, there has not been extensive medical research done on CBD. Without concrete medical research, we cannot confirm the proper and beneficial dosage amounts for each type of CBD use. Your best course of action would be to follow the dosing instructions on the package of CBD in your possession.
Thanks to advancing technology and consumer interest, there are more options for administering CBD on the market than ever before. Between tinctures, vape products, topicals, edibles, which type of CBD product will meet your needs? Let's take a look at the most popular ways to benefit from CBD.
We understand the concern that you may have, and we are here to help guide you to sound, factual, medical research and evidence that will help answer this question for you. If you’re new to CBD or just concerned that it could be an addictive substance, keep reading to get the facts you need to know.
If you’re new to or interested in CBD oil, you’ve probably heard the term hemp oil as well. You might have wondered, is hemp oil the same thing as CBD oil? That is a good question, and the answer really depends on what context the term is used in.